Avosnerja Receives Support from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development to Boost Innovation and Growth in the Agricultural Sector

We are excited to announce that Avosnerja has been awarded a significant grant to support tangible and intangible investments in processing, marketing and development of new agricultural products for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This funding comes from the prestigious European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD), reaffirming Avosnerja's commitment to innovation and sustainable growth in the agricultural sector.

Promoting Agricultural Innovation

EAFRD support is aimed at promoting the modernisation and competitiveness of agricultural SMEs, and Avosnerja is proud to be part of this effort. This funding will enable our company to make key investments in:

  1. Transformation: To improve and modernise the transformation processes of agricultural products, ensuring greater efficiency and quality in our production.
  2. Commercialisation: To develop new marketing and distribution strategies that will allow us to reach a wider and more diversified market, thus increasing the competitiveness of our products in the global market.
  3. New Product Development: Innovate and diversify our agricultural product offering, responding to changing consumer demands and exploring new business opportunities.

Avosnerja Receives Support from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development to Boost Innovation and Growth in the Agricultural Sector

Commitment to Sustainability and Rural Development

EAFRD support not only strengthens our ability to innovate and grow, but also underlines our commitment to sustainable rural development. At Avosnerja, we strongly believe in the importance of contributing to the well-being of rural communities and caring for the environment. With this help, we will be able to implement more sustainable farming practices, reduce our environmental impact and support the local economy.

Benefits for the Community and the Agricultural Sector

Investment in technology and new processes will not only benefit Avosnerja, but will also have a positive impact on the entire agricultural value chain. By improving the efficiency and quality of our products, we will contribute to strengthening the local agricultural sector, creating new employment opportunities and fostering economic development in the region.

Acknowledgements and Future Commitment

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development for their support and confidence in our project. This support is an additional motivation to continue working with dedication and commitment to constantly improve our operations and to develop innovative and high quality products.

At Avosnerja, we are committed to excellence and sustainability. This support enables us to advance our mission to provide top quality agricultural products, contribute to rural development and protect our natural environment.

About Avosnerja

Avosnerja is an SME dedicated to the production and marketing of high quality agricultural products. With a strong track record in the sector, our company is distinguished by its focus on innovation, sustainability and rural development. Thanks to EAFRD support, we are ready to take our operations to the next level, offering our customers innovative and sustainable products that meet the highest quality standards.

Thank you for your support and trust in Avosnerja! Together, we continue to cultivate the future of agriculture.