Ingredients (4 people):

12 tortillas.
1/2 kg. fresh cheese, crumbled.
1/2 cup cooked and ground beans.
2 cups green tomato sauce.
250 grams of beef,
cooked and shredded.
4 serrano chillies.
1/2 onion.
1 clove of garlic
1 sprig of coriander.
Oil, salt.
1 tub of Avosnerja Guacamole.


Strain the beans, taking care that they are not too thick. They should be brothy.

Cook the tomatoes together with the chillies, and grind them with the onion, garlic and coriander. Season with salt. Dip the tortillas in the bean broth and fry them in hot oil, making sure they do not brown. Fill them with the meat and cover them with the cheese and the sauce.

Serve immediately, piping hot, accompanied by guacamole.